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DefIcons v44
© 1999-2000 by Stephan Rupprecht
All rights reserved.
DefIcons v44 is copyrighted 1999-2000 by Stephan Rupprecht.
All rights reserved. This program is freeware, so no financial
donations required. Redistribution allowed if the package is
left unchanged. The author is not responsible for any damage
caused by the use or misuse of this documentation and/or the
program(s) it describes.
Original idea and program © by Team NewIcons.
Included brainfile was created in 1997 by <R.MacLean@hw.ac.uk>
it was updated and bugfixed by Stephan Rupprecht in 1999 :)
ProcessFile.rexx was written/modified by various authors.
I hope that no one bothers that I included them into the archive
without asking for permission ;)
Any Amiga® (compatible) computer with at least OS3.5,
a deficons.prefs file (included) and some def_xxxx.info files
(both can be found in the NewIcons package. There're
also some nice default icons available from other artists).
DefIcons turns any faked icon (displayed when you pick the menu
item Window/Show/All Files) into a more meaningful one. Depending
on its prefs file, the program can identify different filetypes
and supply an appropiate icon for each of them. For a complete
documentation, please take a look at the original DefIcons
documentation which is a part of NewIcons.
To install the program and the preferences editor, simply start
the provided Installer script.
If you don't have any default icons installed yet, you must copy
them manually from the NewIcons package to your envarc:sys drawer.
The program does not take any arguments or tooltypes. It can be
started either from wb or shell. You can terminate the program
at any time by pressing/sending ctrl-c (see cli command break) to
it, or by starting it a second time.
--- Using the preferences editor "DefIconsPrefs" ---
DefIconsPrefs allows you to change the deficons brainfile in an
easy and comfortable way. To start the program simply doubleclick
its icon (The DEFPATH=<path> option needs to be specified, if you
don't have the default icons placed in ENVARC:Sys).
Now you can start editing the brainfile, to add a new filetype
to the "Filetypes" list, press the "Add" button and enter the name
of the filetype into the string gadget below the list. DefIcons/
icon.library will later use this name to find the icon which
belongs to the filetype. Choose "Information ..." from the "Icon"
menu or doubleclick the filetype to get information on the icon.
To remove an entry press "Remove" (please note: removing a class
[=filetype] will also remove its children!). The arrow buttons can
be used to the change the position of the selected filetype(s)/
class(es) in the list. In order to identify a filetype, DefIcons
also needs to know how this can be done. Therefore the window
contains another list which shows all actions (they are the
description of the filetype) that have been defined for the
selected filetype. To add a new action to the filetype, press the
"Add" button, hold down the mouse button and select one of the
following actions from the popup menu (then release the button:)
MATCH: the file must contain the given string at the given offset
(relative to the current position). Hexvalues must be entered
using the following style, eg. \x0a for 10 or \xff for 255 ...
SEARCH: the file must contain the given string somewhere starting at
the current position. If you select 'Skip spaces:', only spaces and
tabs are allowed to precede the given string.
"current position" means that each matching action (SEARCH/MATCH)
increases the current position within the file. When a description
doesn't match the next action will start at the beginning of the
PATTERN: the filename must match the given pattern.
FILESIZE: the file must have the given size.
PROTECTION: the file must have the given protection bits (un)set.
ISASCII: check whether the file is a text file or not (only used by
'ascii' type).
OR: alternative description follows.
MACROCLASS: this filetype will never become valid. Only its icon
will be used, if one of the children, which does not have an
icon, becomes valid.
New for DefIconsPrefs 44.8: DefIconsPrefs is able to "learn" a
file format: this is done by pressing the "Learn..." button
(you need to select/create a filetype first) and selecting at
least two files of the same format in the filerequester that
comes up (the more files, the better the result). Please note,
that this function is very simply and will create only a list
of MATCHes.
Q: I have some nice icons for my ram: and pc0: disks installed
but unlike the original DefIcons, I just get this ugly black
and white disk icon (or the def_disk.info one). Why ?
A: wb3.5 and DefIcons44 don't add a "disk" to the icon name. So,
for an example, your default icon for the Ram Disk should be
named def_RAM.info and not def_RAMdisk.info. BTW: Please
don't ask me to change it, I just use the same naming convention
wb uses ;)
Q: I made the changes, you mentioned before. But I still get this
ugly b/w icon :(
A: Make sure that your default icons for disks are really disk icons.
If not, please use IconEdit or RAWBInfo to change them.
Q: For MSD0 (crossdos) disks I always get this ugly default icon. Is
there any way to fix this problem?
A: Load l:crossdosfilesystem into a hexeditor, look for disk.info
and replace it with dusk.info.
Q: Made the changes, but I still get the wrong icon. I have MFS
(MultiFileSystem by N.Salmoria) installed.
A: The current workbench release (BB#1) uses an own routine to
get icons for disks. This routine isn't as clever as DefIcons :(
Q: DefIcons doesn't load the right icons for disks. Why?
A: See previous answer.
Q: For CDDA disks I just get this ugly default icon. Why?
A: CacheCDFS loads the default icon for CDDA disks from ENV:.
Type "makelink envarc:cdda.info envarc:sys/def_CDDA.info"
into a shell to workaround the problem.
Q: When I double-click a "faked" icon which has as default tool
"c:version" (or any other c: command). I get an "Unexpected
dos-packet" guru (0x07000004). What's wrong?
A: The default tool is a shell command and doesn't support to be
started as a wb application. Your def_whateveritwas.info
file needs to be updated: Enter your ENVARC:Sys drawer, click
on the icon in question and select "Information ..." from the
wb menu. Now click on the "Start from:" cycle gadget 'til it
shows "Shell". Save the changes :) NOTE: This can be done via
DefIconsPrefs, too.
Q: My def_lharc icon has "lha x" as default tool. Now when I try
to unpack a lha file, I get an error message from wb telling
me that it couldn't find the command. Again, what's wrong?
A: Workbench treats the "Default tool" field as a path, which
means that workbench adds quotation marks to it whenever it
contains spaces (which is the case for "lha x"). This makes
DOS think that "lha x" is the name of the command to start but
since this command doesn't exist, DOS will fail to find it.
That's why you get the error message:) I suggest to use the
ProcessFile.rexx script to fix this problem: Copy the script to
your REXX: drawer (this is done by the Installer script), make
sure it has the S(cript) protection bit set and change the
"Default tool:" field of the def_lharc icon to
"REXX:ProcessFile.rexx". Next select "Start from: Shell" and
uncheck the "Wait for input" checkbox (also see previous and
next Q&A). That's all. NOTE: This can be done via DefIconsPrefs,
Q: Is there any way to get rid-off this "Execute command" window
when starting a shell command or (arexx) script?
A: Yes, of course. Your default icon must have the NOPROMPT tool-
type set ("Wait for input" checkbox unchecked).
Q: Any way to get rid-off the quotation marks wb adds to the
"default tool" field?
A: No, there isn't. Which means that I don't want to write a patch
for it ;)
Q: DefIcons seems not to work. I also have TweakWB installed.
A: Make sure you have the "DefIcons" (datatypes hook) function of
TweakWB deactivated. The order you start the program is also
important: Please start DefIcons AFTER TweakWB.
Q: I copied DefIcons44 to my C: drawer and added the line C:DefIcons44
to my s:user-startup. Now when my computer boots, it suddenly stopps
booting when it reaches the mentioned line. Why?
A: Unlike the original DefIcons, this program needs to be "Run".
Q: I added a new filetype to my deficons.prefs file but for any
reasons DefIcons seems to ignore the change.
A: Go through the filetypes list and look for a similiar filetype. If
you find one then move the newly added filetype above it.
Q: The "Information..." and "Edit..." items from the "Edit" menu
(DefIconsPrefs) don't work.
A: You probably have your default icons placed in a different drawer
than ENVARC:Sys. The DEFPATH=<path> options needs to be specified
in this case.
44.0 first public release
44.1 filetype recognition didn't always work because of two
minor bugs. misc internal changes. again updated
deficons.prefs. added a slightly changed version of
ProcessFile.rexx which views html documents by using
44.2 added FAQ to the doc. included DefIconsPrefs. case insensitive
ACT_SEARCH and ACT_MATCH didn't work correctly because of a
buggy TOLOWER macro.
44.2a updated DefIconsPrefs (44.1): added some missing error requesters,
no longer requires a deficons.prefs file in env: to start, new menu
item to load iconedit.
44.2b updated DefIconsPrefs (44.2): added a menu item to merge a deficons
prefs file to the current one. starts IconEdit from wb now. added
weightbar to the window.
44.3 in 44.2 I fixed the TOLOWER macro but the fix was somehow useless
as I forgot to store the return value;) Funny, that the compiler
didn't complain about the statement. Anyway, I received the original
DefIcons source today (thanks to Olaf Barthel and Eric Sauvageau)
and found out that my implementation of ACT_SEARCH and ACT_MATCH
was wrong: both actions work relative to the current position
within the file not from the beginning (each matching ACT_SEARCH,
ACT_MATCH increases the position). changed portname from "DefIcons"
to "deficons".
44.3a updated DefIconsPrefs (44.3): fixed cosmetical bug when using
background images <Nils Goers>.
44.3b updated DefIconsPrefs (44.4): when adding a new filetype, clicking
on a different one and then clicking on the new one changed its name
<Christopher Kossa>.
44.4 this is 3rd attempt to fix the tolower stuff and finally it works;)
updated FAQ. included an alternative prefs file which makes DefIcons
work a bit faster <Damian Stolarek>.
44.5 outputs an error message when DefIcons v37 is still installed. removed
reference to already freed memory on exit. Damian's prefs file has
been updated by Elena.
44.5a updated DefIconsPrefs (44.5): removing an entry from the filetypes
list could reveal a hidden previous entry <Damian Stolarek>.
44.5b DefIconsPrefs (44.6): the string.gadget below the filetypes list
didn't work anymore due to some late changes. localized the whole
44.5c fixed wrong translation in the german catalog.
44.5d included spanish catalog by Oscar. updated DefIconsPrefs (44.7):
added DEFPATH/K option. starting IconEdit via "Edit / IconEdit..."
could crash the system (wb bug!), the program is started as
shell program, now. when changing an icon via "Edit / IconEdit..."
or "Edit / Information..." DefIconsPrefs will update the ENV:Sys
drawer, now (requires C:Copy).
44.5e Elena Novaretti <aaries@libero.it>:
"once more I've updated the alternative deficons.prefs.
Now It recognizes ELF files and PATCH files.
Also I included a def_ELF.info and a def_PATCH.info for those
people who surely haven't them, as well as a handy PlacePatch.bat
script to put in S:, allowing def_PATCH to work!"
NOTE: The installer script does NOT copy the icons and the script
to your hd!
44.5f included italian catalog by Arturo Franzin.
44.5g once again an update of the italian files.
44.5h included finnish catalog by Joni Halme.
44.5i DefIconsPrefs 44.8: implemented a search function for the types list
and a simple "learn" function for the action one.
44.5j forgot to include to the latest .cd file and german catalog ;)
44.5k included french catalog by Philippe Bovier.
44.5l another update of the italian files. Thanks to Arturo.
44.5m included portugese catalog by Raul Silva.
44.5n included turkish catalog by Sinan Gürkan.
44.5o added DoMIME command to the archive.
44.6 removed a few lines of weird and probably "buggy" code. Still don't
know why I wrote that ;)
Please send bug reports and ideas to:
Stephan Rupprecht
Apfeldweg 1
D44359 Dortmund
Send emails to